Copper Wire Theft Plagues Geebung Industrial Site

Authorities are asking the public to be on high alert after a string of brazen copper wire theft cases hit an industrial site in Geebung.

According to Queensland Police reports, the site on Bilsen Road was first struck between April 24th and April 26th, with thieves making off with an undisclosed amount of valuable copper wiring. The property was then hit again in the early morning hours of May 6th.

The thieves blend in the industrial sites wearing high-vis clothing, camouflaging with construction vehicles.

Copper wire theft is considered especially dangerous, as live wires can deliver lethal electric shocks. Cutting into electrical lines also creates fire hazards that put both perpetrators and legitimate workers at great risk.

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In an effort to crack down on the thefts, police are urging any witnesses who notice suspicious activity around construction sites, power substations, or other potential targets to immediately report it by calling 131 444 or going online at Anonymous tips can also be submitted to Crime Stoppers.

Published 10-May-2024

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