Latest Update on Wavell Heights’ Shaw Road Rugby Field Upgrades

The sporting and local community of Wavell Heights will soon enjoy a safer and improved Shaw Road rugby field as its upgrades are expected to wrap up in mid-2019.

The Shaw Road rugby field’s closed landfill remediation works and lighting replacement started in September 2018. Depending on weather and construction conditions, the project should meet its target completion date in the middle of the year.

On 19 February, an electrical wholesale store shared photos of the newly installed lightings they supplied on the field.

The replaced lighting will be used to meet the basic standard required for night practice, with capacity for further improvements in the future.

About the Shaw Road Project

The upgrades are part of the Brisbane City Council’s ongoing Landfill Remediation and Maintenance Program under the Restoration for Recreation program. Works will involve:

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  • compacting and capping the existing closed landfill
  • re-grading the rugby field
  • installing irrigation, drainage, topsoil and sports field grade turf and collapsible goal posts
  • upgrading the existing lighting infrastructure to LED lights in compliance with basic sports field playing standards
  • constructing a ramp to the car park that is in line with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA)
  • reinstating the existing public address system (PA system)

Construction at the Shaw Road rugby field takes place between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. Council ensures they will keep the community informed of construction in their area and will provide advance notification of out-of-hours activities.

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