Wavell Heights Shopping Strip to Get a $400,000 Upgrade

As part of Brisbane City Council’s 2018-19 budget, the Wavell Heights shopping strip at Hamilton Road will undergo a $400,000 transformation.

Council’s investment for the upgrades of the shopping strip follows Councillor for Northgate Ward Adam Allan’s petition to secure the funding.

Photo credit: Councillor Adam Allan/Facebook

According to Cr Allan, upgrades to the shopping strip will include upgraded footpaths, gardens, trees, artworks, street furniture, and more.

Cr Allan also said that the project will provide an improved amenity for the community and improve awareness and accessibility of the location. Furthermore, the project will help to support the businesses in this location.

Village Precinct Projects

Shopping precinct upgrades are being delivered under the Council’s Village Precinct Projects.

Village Precinct Projects is a new public realm improvement program. It supports Brisbane City Council’s commitment to creating a city of neighbourhoods, a key principle of Brisbane’s Future Blueprint.

Completed Alderly Village Precinct Project Photo credit: CC-BY/Brisbane City Council/Flickr

A Village Precinct Project specifically aims to deliver improvements to the precinct’s attractiveness, amenity, safety, accessibility, and identity. Overall, these elements will improve the commercial vitality of the precinct.

Under the improvement program, the Council will also invest $450,00 for Curragundi Road shops at Jindalee and $500,000 for local upgrades at Biota Street, Inala.

For the Wavell Heights shopping strip upgrade, residents may provide input to the project via an on-site kiosk.

Petition to Secure Funding for the Hamilton Road Shopping Precinct Upgrade in Wavell Heights Launched

A petition has been launched urging the Council to include Wavell Heights’ Hamilton Road shopping precinct on the Village Precinct Projects for 2018-2019.

With the hopes of securing government funding for the upgrades on Hamilton Road shopping strip, the petition was lodged by Councillor for Northgate Ward Adam Allan.

As part of the Council Annual Plan and Budget 2018-2019, Lord Mayor Graham Quirk has allocated $5.2 million for the Village Precinct Projects which aims to enhance and beautify local village precincts.

To help build the economy and support local businesses, the multi-million Village Precinct Projects may include precinct enhancements such as gardens, lighting, seating, footpath upgrades, street art, and more.

Photo credit: www.northgateward.com

Cr Allan is working to secure the funding for Wavell Heights shopping strip at Hamilton Road since improving suburban shopping strips is one of the key principles of “Brisbane’s Future Blueprint“. The blueprint is the outcome of the resident feedback from the Council’s “Plan Your Brisbane” consultation.

It might be time for the Wavell Heights shopping strip at 159 Hamilton Road to have some upgrades to support local businesses in the area. Read more about the online petition here.