The old timber bridge of Cressey Street will soon be replaced with a stronger bike-friendly structure. The half million dollar project is expected to be completed in July under the contractor CPM Group Pty Ltd. The bridge will still be passable during the construction, but detours and closures may be required.

CPM Group Pty Ltd won the project with an offer of $586,811 against Abergeldie Constructions Pty Ltd ($516,268) and Pensar Civil Pty Ltd ($444,424). Clearly, CPM did not offer the lowest pricing plan, but was still chosen to reconstruct the bridge because their proposal was a strong and sturdy structure that is suitable for a bike-friendly bridge, with complete details.
Abergeldie proposed a structure lacking of durability and maintenance requirements with limited details on the design, while Pensar only included general construction methodology and lacked specific details on structures.
To view other awarded tenders for other projects, check the Brisbane City Council’s website.
The Future Cressey Bridge

The original plan of the footbridge reconstruction was to widen it to help people pass easily and promote a spacious cycleway. Infrastructure Committee Chairwoman Amanda Cooper said that the bridge will also feature bicycle-friendly handrails.
“The new bridge will more than double in width to 3m, allowing people to more easily pass each other and will also feature cycle-friendly handrails,” Cr. Cooper said.
Benefits of Cycling

This is part of a move to encourage cycling and spending time outdoors in Wavell Heights. According to Councilor Adam Allan, the reconstruction of the Cressey Bridge will give reasons to the residents to go outdoors and have an active living.
“Wavell Heights is a great spot to go for a bike ride and enjoy some time outdoors with a range of local parks and community facilities on offer,” Cr Allan said.
Here are some benefits of bicycle riding.
1. Cardiovascular Benefits
Cycling offers the same cardio benefits that you can get from other forms of exercise, without exerting too much effort. Research says that people who have healthy cardio were less likely to experience high blood pressure and heart failures.
2. Muscle Strength
Pedaling strengthens muscles on thighs, hips, and rear end. Healthy leg muscles helps in having a healthy heart, higher metabolism, solid core strength, and improved stamina (and for girls, nice buttocks!)

3. Lose Weight and Belly Fat
Weight loss is really one of the biggest benefits of cycling (as well as other exercises). Daily routine biking can fight weight gain and waistline expansion.
4. Prevent Cancer
Maintaining healthy weight and regular exercise like cycling always lowers the risk of getting cancer, along with eating healthy food.
5. Injury Recovery
Cycling helps preserve cartilage. Along with swimming, this is a form of exercise that is gentle on joints, which could improve knee pain, osteoarthritis, foot problems, back pain, and impact-related injuries.
Lastly, cycling can make you feel better and younger. It promotes self-esteem because it makes you feel healthy and fit.
It is also recommended to cycle all the way to work or school, instead of just sitting in a car or on a bus, which can be easier after the reconstruction of the Cressey Bridge.