Traffic Lights to be Installed on Shaw Road Intersection to Reduce Rat Running

Brisbane City Council’s records show that construction work on the “Shaw Road and Sports Precinct Access Road Intersection Upgrade” project will commence this October. Traffic lights will be installed along the Shaw Road, between Gympie and Sandgate Roads to reduce rat-running in the area.

The project was prioritised by the Council due to Shaw Road’s busy traffic. Shaw Road caters to a high volume of vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists everyday. Shaw Road provides access to the suburbs of Nundah, Chermside, and beyond. It is a well-used road to escape the congested arterial roads and the Airport Link Tollway.

Shaw Road is the only access to the sports precinct. The area of the sports precinct is home to several sports club that are frequented by both vehicles and pedestrians. Cyclists also use Shaw Road, since it also intersects the Kedron Brook Bikeway.


The Intersection Upgrade Details

Photo credit: Brisbane City Council

The Shaw Road and Sports Precinct Access Road Intersection Upgrade project will involve:

  • Traffic signals on the intersection of Shaw Road and the sports precinct access road;
  • Dedicated pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities;
  • Two sealed off-road car park spaces;
  • Additional through lane on Shaw Road (road widening);
  • 4.2 kilometre kerbside lanes;
  • Relocation of the bus zones to the sports precinct entrance (north and south); and
  • Separate right and left turn lanes on the sports precinct exit.


The Benefits of the Upgrade

Pedestrian Crossing at Night
(Photo credit:

Although there is a current pedestrian and cyclist island refuge on Shaw Road, safe crossing opportunities are still limited. The installation of traffic signals will provide a safe crossing point for cyclists and pedestrians on the area.

The signal lights will not only benefit the pedestrians and cyclists, but also the motorists. The road widening and installation of proper traffic signals will also reduce the risks of accidents for turning vehicles.

Flooding at Shaw Road
(Photo credit:

The broader road network and the installed traffic lights will improve traffic operations, improve travel times, and reduce delays during the morning and afternoon peak. The Council has committed $3.1 billion on 90 road improvements for congestion in Brisbane from 2016 to 2030.

“Traffic modelling indicates there will be fewer vehicles queuing at the intersection under signalisation and unlike current concerns, access to current streets will not be blocked by queues,” the Brisbane City Council spokesman said.


Impacts of the Upgrade

Parking near the bikeway
(Photo credit:

During the construction, some on-street parking will be removed on Shaw Road. Parking restrictions will also apply on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will be signs to advise the restrictions and there will be additional off-road car parking spaces to support the parking demand during the construction.


Construction Schedule:

Monday – Saturday7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Photo credit:

To ensure public safety, there are works that are scheduled to undertake between 7:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m., from Sunday to Thursday.

The construction will also impact the vegetation in the surrounding the area as it will require the removal of 16 trees. The Queensland Environment Offsets Act (QEOA) of 2014 requires infrastructure projects to offset their impacts to the environment through activities such as revegetation and planting.

The project is scheduled for completion in early 2018. Full details about the project can be viewed on the Brisbane City Council’s website.